No "but", no "if".

In the pure logical sense, there are always only two choices relative to each other: each is a negation of the other.


Life is what you make (of) it.
What to make of life?
Care about things.

Threats, opportunities. 

Repulsion, attraction.


No plan?
How can you make good decisions for yourself?

A plan is order; without it, chaos.
What to make of life?
 I am Thankful. 

The harder planning becomes, 
the more evidence happiness is present.

We can plan better plans.


The End of the World

Beautiful Lies.

An article on the Toronto Sun dated May 10, 2011 writes an article about a group of people who have recently been putting up signs of a specific date and time at which the world will end.

The article starts: If you haven't heard, the world ends May 21. It goes on thinly disguising the assertions that it will, then casually mentions a website (no link? it's 2011, it's not like you haven't ever heard of SEO).

Anyway, the first time I visit, there is a book about "God's final witness". I navigate away to write how it had been very interesting to see that the book was specifically targeted to Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

Seems like the God of Abraham has something to say, but only to those who believe exists.

So I go back to the site to take a screenshot for this post, to find an additional book, this one without any religious reference nor specific date.

Okay, so if you believe it will happen, it will. Otherwise it will still happen but no date is given.

No wonder some people fall squarely and some don't. It just depends on if you look at this and believe it or if you question it, just like horoscopes.


Conscious Death

When we are to die, and if we consider the afterlife as a conscious state, whose job is it to tell us that we are dead? Who will tell us to move on? Is it the angel of death? is it ourselves, our own subconscious? Can we only move on when we are at peace with our own death? Is that what life is; a constant fight against the idea of our own death?

Aren't these great questions?


The Tao

[...] neither it nor its principles can ever be adequately expressed in words [...] simultaneously perfectly still and constantly moving, as both larger than the largest thing and smaller than the smallest [...]


Self as an emerging idea

Thinking in binary terms or absolutes like yes|no, when applied to the conscious mind yields a paradoxical state which balances out creating time as experienced by a conscious observer.

Binary values are conditioned to encode a numerical prime base by relative value: 1|0. When this comes to the perception of time, the consensus is a sense of now, a common past and an unknown future: (-t, 0, t). This creates a perceived duality which creates perceptual symmetry.

The process of learning is of matching all inputs against known inputs, and catalogue them for future recognition and the ability to exert control over increasing periods of time in the future. As an infant develops into a child, self control is learned at the physical level: the ability to control limbs and the physical environment in the vicinity.

This physical sense of self is the one perceived as "own life", based on the constancy of perception: that which never changes is the sense of self; the idea of I.

All ideas, as individual units of existence, move in the same direction (future) based on a general idea of life preservation: ideas are built on ideas, sometimes for the better and sometimes probably not. Similarly, the idea of self moves motivated by self-preservation. Interestingly, while physically it is evident who "I" is, psychologically it is only partially evident what "I" is not. We know that "other" is not "I", but not exactly who. This unknown is the remainder of the life equation: the future of the individual in question.

Psychologically, we live social lives to discover ourselves in others; to learn from what we like so we ourselves can evoke onto the others what the person who we try to learn from is evoking on us: attraction. Symetrically, we also (at least partially) avoid negative conduct: this is where the will steps in; where there is a conscious effort spent to become better somehow.

There are many levels of attraction, as there are many characteristics that are attractive to us in various conscious planes: Physical, sexual, sensational, emotional, intellectual, psychological, spiritual, etc. These some of the different mind sets that a person can use as reflections of the self, and there are indeed individuals whose majority of attention time is spent on these or other planes (astral?, cosmic? -- at least historically, mythically or hypothetically).

Subject to the idea of life preservation, every thought and every concept is to be experienced and preserved in the memory of an individual: It is a unique perspective which describes the idea of one individual. As such, Cancer is to be remembered as the reason why some people we love, died; and the emotion these thoughts evoke to be the catalyst to a durable memory record: to preserve the memory of those before us. This is why consciously or subconsciously, no one wants to forget Cancer.

As the individual grows up, the attraction that the future exerts is the attractive pole of the time equation, but depending on how many dimensions are simultaneously used to express the ratio of inside/outside the curvature. In the binary case, this ratio is 1:0 with period π.

The emergence of the Self through time is an optimization algorithm at its core. By being more efficient than its medium, the individual justifies its existence.


No one wants to forget Cancer.

Not the constellation. The disease.

You read the lyrics of a song
but you can't make sense of it.

What is it? What is it not?
What if it is? What if it is not?

Deep inside you really know you know it
but everywhere around you turn away from it.

You just haven't zoomed out far enough
but keep remembering, keep observing.

You know it's out there, coveted.
You know it's in here, protected.

Man is the selfish one, Woman is the creator.
But man, you get one chance, once in a lifetime.

It's your one in a lifetime... your life's upon a time.